So now that I am a woman of leisure (ya right) with 2 daughters in school all day long, and a precious 6 month old boy who takes regular naps (wouldn't that be nice), I am able to get so much done during the day! Here's the reality: the day after Samara and Lindsey started school I got the worst head cold I think I've ever had. This is my second cold this summer - both times after I had decided to get motivated and start exercising regularly. This, of coarse, is proof that exercise is hazardous to your health.
In spite of it all I did manage to get Samara's baptism dress done. As you can see from the picture, it's really quite simple and elegant. I gave Samara her choice of 2 different patterns, and this is the one that she chose. The picture doesn't really do the dress justice. It looks much better when worn by a beautiful little girl. Well, not so little any more! I can't believe she's eight!

I belong to a card exchange group and this month's theme was "Baby Boy". I thought this would be easy since I am kind of in baby boy mode right now, but this was really hard for me! I blame it on the fact that my head has felt like it was going to explode and sleep deprivation. The end result was something very simple, but honestly, I prefer simple.
I hope to be posting much more of my projects soon as there will (hopefully) be many in the coming weeks. That is, if Daniel will let me. He is now quite mobile, rolling everywhere, and fast! He is also teething and wants to be held constantly. I thought he was going to be my mild, quiet, laid back child. Apparently not!