Thanks to a friend's vigilant care, I returned home to find that my garden not only survived but that she had been feeding it steroids! Seriously though, I can't believe how huge everything is, especially my tomatoes! My zucchini and squash plants are ENORMOUS (bush variety, my foot!) and I have already harvested 2 zucchini. I may just have to get the shotgun out yet though because I can see evidence of where some zucchini blossoms have been nibbled off. Those stupid deer!
As you will see from the pictures below, the stars of the show are definitely the tomatoes. I decided to try some heirloom varieties this year and for those who are interested, here are the varieties I am growing: Japanese Black Trifele, Aunt Ruby's German Green, Cuor di Bue, Tigerella, Speckled Roman, Yellow Brandywine, Super Sioux, Italian Heirloom, Hillbilly, Snow White, Cherokee Purple (not sure if that one is heirloom), and Brown Berry. In the future, I won't try and fit 5 tomato plants into these planters because I am going to be hard pressed when it comes to harvesting trying to find all the tomatoes! The tallest is my Yellow Brandywine which is 46 inches tall! I am not the most experienced gardener, but I have never seen tomato plants this size. Now I just need to figure out how I am going to get the tomatoes to grow as big...