Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Lost Art of Mending

The other day I had the most gratifying experience. I mended. I had a pile of clothes that needed various repairs/alterations that had been sitting around for maybe...years? The stuff that was Maddie's now would fit Elle, and somethings were too small for any kid to wear. It's one way of dealing with mending. But while while my husband was working on our basement, I thought I'd patter around in my sewing shop too. I decided to tackle the pile. And you know what? It wasn't that bad! It only took a few minutes to fix this hem here, and sew that strap on there and replace the elastic on that.

But the fun part was darning. Yes, I said darning. Have you ever darned? I highly recommend it. And as soon as my machine comes back from its tune-up I will do a darning tutorial. Because describing it just won't do it justice. And it's so darn fun. Sorry. Couldn't resist that.

So don't wait til your mending pile is out of date, grab your stash and someone to talk to (this always helps) and get your mending done! You will feel thrifty and prudent and gratified! I promise.


Carrie said...

Darn it! I love darning!

Nancy said...

I "dam" more than darn or is it the other way around? Anyway, I would do more mending if I had a "SEWING SHOP"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You blessed, girl, you.

Deb said...

I hear you on that one. My mend pile is large too. But I have not time at the moment. Maybe once school is done. Or maybe when Lee starts working full time I can cut back my hours so I can be more creative. I have been taking small projects to work and inbetween treatments I work on those and homework. The worse part is not knowing exactly what goes on at my house. I so wish I could be home more. You guys are so lucky...I do see it in my future though.

Abbey said...

Cute post!

But mostly, I'm interested in that Hawaiian number on top....yours? :)

Nancy said...

Hey my comment hasn't shown up yet. I said that I might mend more if I had my own "sewing shop"!!! Good for you, though! I'll see if this post shows up.

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